Board Meetings

Approved Minutes, May 14 2024 Lovells Township Board Meeting


Approved June 11, 2024

Regular Meeting of the Lovells Township Board

May 14, 2024


PRESENT:  Cheryl Hopp, Heather Lovell, Ken Ball, Tamara Kengel, Gary Neumann


ALSO PRESENT  Dave Soderquist, Jo Johnson, Ann C Duby,  Sally Brand, Paul Wayco , Bill Gergorsky, Mike Mosser, Martha Duby, Randy Long.

Supervisor Neumann called the Board Meeting to order at 10:00AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Reading and approval of the minutes of our Regular Board Meeting April 9, 2024. Neumann moved to accept the minutes from the April meetings, Lovell supported.  Voice Vote:  All Ayes.  MOTION CARRIED

PRE-PAID VOUCHERS:            Neumann moved, Hopp supported a motion to approve pre-paid vouchers From April 4, 2024 through May 8, 2024 as presented:  General Fund totaling $221,795.24 which includes a transfer of $200,000 to a CD, for a net spend of $21,795.24 Direct Deposit Checks totaling $3190.16; Fire Fund totaling $74,940; Landfill Fund totaling $14,467.29; and Liquor Fund totaling $179.44. Notable bills were a payment for the Fire Department radios, back pay for Travis Tokarski who completed Fireman I/II Certification, New Chairs for the Hall and Crossroads Park development expenses for landscape supplies, and porta potty   Neumann moved and Hopp Supported to accept the pre-Paids as presented. In a roll call vote:  All Ayes.  MOTION CARRIED.

Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer’s April Report, which included a discussion of the CD investment and Tamara’s success in gaining an improved interest rate on Township accounts was Received. Neumann moved Lovell supported and, in a voice, vote it was Accepted as Presented.



Crawford County Planning Commission (CCPC)No Report

Lovells Township Planning Commission (LTPC) – The Planning Committee met in April for a Public Hearing to finalize recommendations for the Lighting Ordinance presented in NB #3.  No meeting scheduled in May, Next planned meeting is July 15th

Assessing- Preparing for Summer Tax bills and determination of the 20% of taxable parcels to be reviewed in the next cycle.

Fire/EMS Department – 9 Runs:  5 Fire and 4 Medical.  Congratulations to Travis Tokarski for passing his Fireman I/II certification!

Cemetery Sexton- One Internment (cremains) in April.

Liquor Inspector- 3 Inspections, no issues noted

Zoning Administrator – 3 permits issued, Replacement Deck, Accessory Building, New Deck over an existing patio.

Zoning Enforcement Officer- The incident of illegally stored vehicles and general blight on Big Creek Trail will require further escalation.  The property owners have ignored the ZEO and Supervisor Neumann’s reasonable attempts at resolution, so now a ticket will likely be issued.


Parks and Rec- The committee and a number volunteers have been busy with development activities at Crossroads Park. Minor Fencing, Gravel, Trees and Top Soil have been applied.  More materials are on order and will be installed.  Some other activities require specialty contractors and bids are being solicited.

Historical Society/ Bridge Walk – Opening Day Activities and the Leaky Wader Run were conducted and turnout was good.  $600.00 was raised in Donations.

  • Beaver, Beer and Banjos is on track for July 20. One change this year is going to be in the Silent Auction with an emphasis on Higher Value / Quality items and not quantity. Expect three item tables to be reduced to one or two.
  • Bridge Walk planning is gearing up.
  • Build-A-Bird Feeder Day, featuring George Charney is being planned. Date to be determined.  This is a kid’s activity that adults seem to enjoy as well.


Board of Review-Planning for a Board of Review will be determined after tax bills are presented.

Zoning Board of Appeals –No activity


Lovells Media and Reading Center Awaiting the purchased and “to be constructed” shelving to be acquired and installed.  The South End Book Box is leaking and will require some maintenance and sealing.


  1. As our proposed STR ordinance is undergoing legal review within the DNR regarding conformance to Naturals Rivers Act rules, further development on this ordinance is on hold. The issue is if the Township is required to follow the definitions noted in the Natural Rivers Act.  Expect this review to take several months to complete.



  • New Business:
  1. Our Summer Newsletter that accompanies the Summer Tax Bills that are mailed the first week of July is being developed. Discuss and decision content to be submitted with a June 5th deadline.  It was decided that articles on the STR ordinance development, Crossroads Park development,  proper use of the township transfer stations and the upcoming elections would be appropriate.  Ball will author on elections and transfer stations, Kengel on Crossroads Park and Neumann will provide STR content
  2. Discuss and approve design decisions and expenditures for Cross Roads Park Development. Treasurer and Parks and Rec liaison Kengel presented an outline of planned expenditures for Crossroads Park development with planned spending of approximately $33,600.  Some expenses are changing from original estimates.  The plan included some already purchased and installed as well as pending.  There was general agreement that the plan was inline with previously approved expenditures.
  3. Discuss and possibly decision our recently completed Exterior Lighting Ordinance. The latest draft of the proposed township wide Lighting Ordinance was presented.  It was noted that while the content was correct and reflected the will of the Township citizenry, that several editorial corrections need to be made:
    1. Ordinance shall be numbered as 5/14-2024
    2. Strike “Concerning Short Term Rentals” from the title and replace with “Concerning Exterior Lighting”
    3. Correct the Section reference in the Lovells Township Zoning Ordinance from 3.22 to 3.23 in all cases where Section 3.22 currently appears.
    4. Add the word “amended” so that the declaration reads “Article III of the Lovells Township Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to add a new section 3.23, which shall read as follows:
    5. Add signatures line above the Supervisors Name and Title.

Ball Moved, Lovell supported to adopt the proposed ordinance as corrected, In a roll call vote, all Ayes, the motion is passed.  The Ordinance in final form will be prepared by the Township Attorney and signed thusly.

  1. New folding chairs have arrived. 30 Old Chairs have been reserved for use by recognized community groups in the Township Complex.  Recommend 25 old but serviceable chairs be offered to community groups who wish to own at $5 per, and if any remain after 1 month then to the community at large. Neumann moved; Lovell supported to adopt the old chair disposal plan as presented.  In a voice vote, all Ayes, the motion is passed.




  • Informational Items


  • Hazardous Waste Collection / Shredding will be available at the Crawford County Complex Saturday, 8-June. Electronic, paints (oil based) etc. are eligible for disposal, shredding is performed for a suggested donation.
  • Ball made a presentation of House Bill 5438 which is in the Michigan State Legislature. This Bill pertains to the taxing, data collection and regulation of STRs at the state and local level.  In its current form, it mirrors a number of principles that are aligned with the goals of the Lovells Township Police Power Ordinance under development.  The Bill is in committee in the House and will likely be changed once the lobbyists get active.  The bill as introduced can be found here.
  • Concluded last week was another successful Bamboo Bend project at the Township Hall. Grey Rock Rod builders will host another event June 20-22
  • There was discussion on the proper use and ongoing abuse of the transfer stations. These stations are for household trash, metal recycling (in season) and select large items, not whole house cleanouts.  The attendants are empowered to reject any abusive loads.  An article in the upcoming newsletter will address this more specifically.


Regular Business closed at 10:58


Dave Soderquist inquired if Lovells STRs must comply with the Natural River Act stipulations as clarified by the MDNR.  In theory, yes, but Supervisor Neumann pointed out that in any case enforcing someone else’s ordinances/laws is always problematic.  He also asked if we were aware of a permit application for large draws (2.4 MM gal/day) of groundwater in Otsego County at the headwaters of the North Branch.  This is for the purpose of Carbon Capture.  It was noted that the various River Advocacy groups are lined up in opposition to this proposal.

Bill Gergorsky asked if the township can do anything about nuisance renters (long term) causing blight and general mayhem with many police calls having to be made.  He was advised to fill a formal complaint and the Township would refer to the ZEO for action.

End of Public Comment @ 11:06

  • Motion to Adjourn by Neumann, Support by Lovell, Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Meeting Adjourned at 11:36

Next Regular Meeting of Lovells Township Board will be held Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:00 AM at this location.



Respectfully Submitted,


Kenneth F. Ball

Lovells Township Clerk